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Hi, I'm Damon!
I gamify personal finance to make money more fun.

Choose a journey below...

About Damon Hamilton

Master Salesman & Business Guru, Born into the NFL

I'm a super-friendly sorta kinda genius finance dude who just so happens to be extraordinarily networked. I was born into the NFL, with my father being an NFL coach, so it's easy for me to gamify concepts and make them accessible to people. 

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Our Games

My Personal Finance Courses

I have three areas of expertise: Money, Music & Making Sales. If you'd like to BUILD, GROW, SCORE in any of these three areas, just sign up for the course that interests you & we'll notify you when it's launched!

Working Together

Your Personal + Professional Network

If you're interested in mastering how to build a personal and professional network in order to establish a lifetime of support as you grow, launch businesses, and seek investors, this is the course for YOU.

Shinto Shrine Gate

Any Music Business

Who says artists can't be businesspeople? If you're interested in mastering how to grow any music business from singing to production, I have access unlike no other & can show you the ropes. This is the course for YOU.

Treasure Box

1,000 Leads for Your Side Hustle!

How would you like to score 1,000 leads for your side hustle, so that you can generate sales and build a sustainable business model? Give me 30 days & I'll share some serious sales strategies with YOU.

Listen to My Podcast

Hear some episodes of my new personal finance podcast, "Pocket the Change!"

Contact Damon Station | Personal Finance Hub

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